Saturday, September 4, 2010

What is a "fanboy" and why do I hate them?

Listen, I'm sure there is a real definition to "fanboy". I'm sure of it. Perhaps my definition is the same, maybe not. if it is , awesome, if not i dont give a fuck. But one thing is for sure, a "fanboy" would make sure to correct me...repeatedly.

My definition of fanboy is anyone who does not want anything that theyre passionate about, believe in, or want to be disected, questioned, or challenged by anyone. it must be their way or the highway. there can be no halfways, no compromise, no maybe's...and god forbid u say anything, anything different.

Well, fanboys have always been around, lurked in corners, wrote in their diaries and journals, and the world really never had to deal with them, or even know they existed, until about 1996. thats the year when a little thing called the internet happened. the internet gave rise to movie sites, and social networking, then they combined to the point where every site online now has a forum where anyone can comment, pick a fancy name, and tell the world what they think.

the internet was crack to the fanboy....finally a geek, a jock, a homosexual, or an anal retentive loser could post anonymously their opinion to the world, whether they wanted to hear it or not. at first the fanboys were contained to the geeky websites, talking about how hollywood was raping their precious childhood, but just like any good zombie virus, fanboyism spread to other forums. its gotten to the point where u cant post on webMD about the pimple on your nose without some random dude telling u its a boil, and then telling u ur a loser because u dont know that, and all ur left thinking is "who the fuck is this guy and why has he taken such a liking to my pimple" its so confusing.

the truth is, he dont like u, doesnt care about your problem, he or she is bored and wants u to know what they think, whether u want to hear it or not..its the lack of purpose, the lack of a point, just the bare-faced smack in the face of an opinion from some random ass on the intenet. that makes me hate them, so that is why when im on one of my message boards and some FANBOY is trolling, i make it my personal mission to irritate them, and annoy them, and show them up...because while others may shy away from conflict, especially on the net, i dont....someone has to annoy them, and i guess thats me.